"The Black Snake Whip" is a poignant and intense song that vividly describes the struggles of a person on the run from pursuers during slavery and the Civil War. The lyrics depict the relentless pursuit, with horse hooves pounding and the sounds of the chase echoing in the trees. The physical toll...
"Good Times" is a song that paints a vivid picture of a character's life on the run, filled with excitement and freedom. The lyrics describe a night sky illuminated by colored lightning, creating a visually striking scene. Despite being a "slave on the run in the night," the protagonist finds...
"The Hero" is a song that narrates the story of a remarkable individual who played a pivotal role in ending human slavery in 1855. The protagonist, the gray-haired daddy, leads a Robinhood gang that actively opposes slavery, committing underground war crimes to help enslaved people escape to...
"Keeping Score" is a poignant and harrowing narrative that delves into the brutal and dehumanizing experiences of slavery in the 19th century. The lyrics tell the story of a young individual, born into slavery in 1854, who endures the horrors of abuse, rape, and separation from their mother. The...
"Little Red Waggon" is a poignant and evocative song that tells the heartbreaking story of a life marked by the hardships of slavery, loss, and survival. The lyrics trace the narrator's journey from being branded as an enslaved person in 1854, experiencing the devastating impact of the Civil War,...
"Falling Deeper In Love With You" is a beautiful and romantic ode that captures the essence of a profound and enduring love. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of a journey through woodland hills, where the colors of nature mirror the vibrant emotions of a blossoming marriage. The waterfall's call...
"Mamma's Steam Train" delves into the harsh and oppressive reality of a person's life, marked by the challenges of their skin color and the relentless struggle against slavery. The phrase "Black on blue" is a powerful metaphor, illustrating how their skin "is perceived" in a society that judges...
"Her Moves" paints a vivid and sensual scene in a bluesy haven under the neon glow. The narrator, sipping bourbon whiskey, watches their sexy lady dance to the soulful mix of a Bluesman. The atmosphere is heightened by sweaty perfume, creating a romantic ambiance. The repetition of the lines "Black...
"Mom's Lamp Post" is a poignant and haunting narrative that explores the dark and challenging circumstances surrounding the narrator's birth and upbringing. The repeated refrain, "I hate the day I was born," establishes a sad and regretful tone, with the black cloud hanging over the narrator's...
"Southern Charm and Class" paints a picturesque scene of a charming Southern life characterized by elegance, romance, and a deep connection with nature. The lyrics depict the narrator and their lady enjoying a walk, showcasing Southern charm in their conversation and expressing affection through...