Kiss The Sky….

"Kiss The Sky" is an uplifting anthem celebrating resilience and determination in facing life's challenges. The narrator expresses joy and gratitude for the opportunity to work again, attributing their motivation to their supportive and beloved partner. The declaration of avoiding crimes and...

Poverty Stricken Blues

"Poverty Stricken Blues" tells a tale of a hard-knock life marked by humble beginnings and persistent struggles. The narrator reflects on their birth in an old sod shack, setting the stage for a narrative of endurance and resilience. The repeated motif of "Seven" creates a rhythmic and symbolic...

Pockets Left Empty

"My Pockets Left Empty" is a poignant reflection on the harsh realities of life, portraying a world where hope seems to have rusted away in the cold steel environment. The lyrics capture a sense of loss and defeat as the narrator's schemes crumble, leaving their soul feeling broken and depleted....

Hard Time…….

"Hard Time" is a stark and poignant song that delves into the consequences of a life marked by criminal activities and the inevitable incarceration that follows. The repetition of the phrase "Bad crime" sets the tone for a narrative of regret and the acknowledgment of wrongdoing. The specific...

Sugar Bear…..

"Sugar Bear" is a lively and affectionate song that celebrates the joy and excitement of romantic attraction. The repetitive and catchy lyrics express the singer's admiration for someone special, focusing on their walk, talk, and overall presence. The recurring refrain of "I wanna be your Sugar...

Living Alone Skin And Bone

"Livin Alone Skin and Bone" presents a stark and gritty portrayal of a life immersed in the dark underbelly of addiction and urban struggles. The lyrics capture the protagonist's descent into a world of heroin, seeking solace in substances, and the company of broken women working on the streets....

Harlem Street

"Harlem Street" paints a vivid and soulful picture of the vibrant music scene and lively atmosphere in the streets of Harlem. The lyrics evoke the ambiance of a blues club where a talented bluesman captivates the audience with soulful harmonica melodies. The mention of Harlem Street suggests a...

Working On A Chain Gang

"Working on a Chain Gang" narrates the harsh and relentless reality of a life spent on a chain gang, symbolizing a grueling and oppressive existence. The lyrics capture the sense of entrapment and despair as the narrator describes a broken chain gang enduring a brutal and prolonged sentence. The...

Dreamin Of You

"Dreaming of You" is a tender and evocative song that encapsulates the yearning and longing for a distant love. The lyrics convey a sense of intimacy and desire as the narrator expresses the nocturnal dreams and fantasies of being with their beloved. The imagery of coyotes howling for love sets a...

Hungry Man Talken

The song "Hungry Man Talken" paints a stark, sad picture of individuals' struggles in a challenging, unforgiving environment. The lyrics capture the harsh realities of economic hardship, portraying the economy as a thief that devours dreams and erodes beliefs. The looming threat of foreclosure,...